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1922 Batting Leaders 1922 Batting Leaders

George Sisler batted a torrid .420... Rogers Hornsby and Ty Cobb hit .401

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1922 Batting Average Leaders: American League:

George Sisler, St. Louis Browns .420... Ty Cobb, Detroit Tigers .401... Tris Speaker, Cleve. Indians .378... Harry Heilmann, Tigers .356... Bing Miller, Philadelphia A's... Ken Williams, Browns .335... Tobin, Jack, Browns .331... Wally Pipp, New York Yankees .329... Bobby Veach, Tigers .327... Eddie Collins, White Sox .324... Chris Chick Galloway, Phil Athletics .324

1922 Batting Average Leaders National League:

Rogers Hornsby, Cardinals .401... Ray Grimes, Cubs .354... Hack Miller, Cubs .354... Carson Bigbee, Pittsburgh Pirates .350... Charlie Hollocher, Cubs .340... Curt Walker, Phillies .337... Jake Daubert, Cinc. Red Stockings .336... Zack Wheat, Brooklyn Dodgers .335... Irish Meusel, New York Giants .331... Ross Youngs .331...

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