Portrait of American League's Philadelphia Athletics catcher Jack Lapp bending forward holding a ball in his glove at a ballpark. Photographers and reporters are standing on the field in the background. Spectators sitting in the stands are visible in the background. The image may have been taken during the 1910 World Series game at Shibe Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. SDN-009017, Chicago Daily News negatives collection, Chicago Historical Society A standout catcher during the dead ball era, Jack Lapp was the Philadelphia Athletics starting catcher and helped owner Connie Mack’s teams win 4 pennants, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1914, and three World Series Titles, 1910, 1911, and 1913. Jack Lapp teamed up with A’s star pitchers Chief Bender, Jack Combs, Eddie Plank, Cy Morgan and Broadwalk Brown and Hall of Fame second baseman Eddie Collins to provide Athletics fans with some of the best baseball thrills during time period. |