One of the top pitchers in baseball history Vernon 'Lefty' Gomez won over 20 games four times in a brilliant pitching career for the New York Yankees that lasted from 1930-1943 until he was drafted into the U.S. Military in 1944 at the age of 36. In 1934, Gomez recorded a career best 26-5, .839 pct, 2.33 ERA in 282 innings, started 33 games and completed 25 with 6 shutouts. Lefty Gomez pitched in five All-Star Games and won three of them. Gomez was rated during the 1930's as the Yankees' main pitching man and was considered as the best in baseball. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1972. Vernon 'Lefty' Gomez career: 189-102, .649, 3.34 ERA, 1468 Ks in 2503 innings, 368 Games, 320 GS, 173 GC, 28 shutouts, and an outstanding .242 opponents batting average. |