Nick Altrock , 1929 coach of Washington Senators, juggling baseballs in Comiskey Park, in Chicago, prior to game against White Sox. Chicago Daily News photo negative SDN - 068390 courtesy Chicago HIstorical Society A long-time major league pitcher Nick Altrock starting pitching with the Louisville Colonels of the National Association back in July 1898, and had a 3-3 record for the year. Nick Altrock signed with the Boston Red Sox in 1902 and after losing his first game of the 1903 season was traded to the Chicago White Sox. Pitching with the White Sox, called the Hitless Wonders, from 1904 thru 1906, Nick Altrock strung together a streak of three resounding seasons, 19-14, with a 2.96 earned run average and 6 shutouts, then 23-12, a .1.88 ERA and 20-13 with a 2.06 ERA in 1906. In the 1906 World Series against the highly favored Chicago Cubs, Nick Altrock started Game 1 and pitched a complete game 2-1 win over the Cubs, limiting them to just 4 hits. Game 4: Altrock lost a complete game 1-0 to Cubs pitcher Mordecia Three Fingered Brown. The White Sox defeated the Cubs in 6 games, winning 4 games. Nick posted a World Series leading 1.00 Era in 2 games. After hurting his pitching arm in 1906 he never had a winning season. Traded to the Washington Nationals in 1909 he pitched some but was mainly used as a pitching coach in 1912 and coach for Washington some 41 more seasons. A fun loving coach he egged on Germany Schaefer, the only man that ever stole first base and broke in and encouraged Al Schacht, the Crown Prince of Baseball. Nick Altrock - Baseball Player |