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1940 ERA Leaders 1940 ERA Leaders

Cincinnati's pitcher Bucky Walters led the NL with a 2.48 ERA in 1940... Cleveland's Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller led the AL with a 2.61 ERA

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We honor this group of pitchers, because well over half proudly served in the U.S. Military during World War 11 

1940 ERA Leaders:

National League:

Bucky Walters, Reds 2.48... Claude Passeau, Cubs 2.50... Rip Sewell, Pirates 2.80... Jim Turner, Reds 2.89... Vern Olsen, Cubs 2.97... Paul Derringer, Reds 3.06... Luke Hamlin, Brooklyn 3.06... Manny Salvo, Boston Braves 3.08... Vito Tamulis, Brooklyn 3.09... Lon Warneke, Cardinals 3.14...

Dick Errickson, Boston Braves 3.16... Hal Schumacher, NY Giants 3.25... Larry French, Cubs 3.29... Junior Thompson, Reds 3.32... Whit Wyatt, Brooklyn 3.46... Mace Brown, Pirates 3.49... Joe Sullivan, Braves 3.55... Hugh Mulcahy, Phillies 3.60... Hugh Casey, Brooklyn 3.62... Mort Cooper, Cardinals 3.63...

Carl Hubbell, NY Giants 3.65... Kirby Higbe, Phillies 3.72... Harry Gumpert, NY Giants 3.76... Bill Lohrman NY Giants 3.78... Bill McGee, Cardinals 3.80... Clyde Shoun, Cardinals 3.92... Bill Posedel, Braves 4.13... Curt Davis, Brooklyn 4.19... Joe Bowman, Pirates 4.46... Ken Heintzelman, Pirates 4.47


American League:

Bob Feller, Indians 2.61... Bobo Newsom Tigers 2.83... Johnny Rigney, White Sox 3.11... Eddie Smith, White Sox 3.21... Ken Chase, Senators 3.23... Ted Lyons, White Sox 3.24... Al Milnar, Indians 3.27... Marius Russo, Yankees 3.28... Tommy Bridges, Tigers 3.37... Red Ruffing, Yankees 3.38... Al Smith, Indians 3.44... Schoolboy Rowe, Tigers 3.46...

Thornton Lee, White Sox 3.47... Dutch Leonard, Washington Senators 3.49... Johnny Babich, Phil Athletics 3.73... Elden Auker, St. Louis Browns 3.96... Mel Harder, Indians 4.06... Johnny Gorsica, Tigers 4.33... Buck Ross, Phil A's 4.38... Nels Potter, Phil A's 4.44...


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